New Paradigm Reading

Reading is THE basic skill that students must master to succeed. Fletcher’s Place ™, designed specifically for pre-K, K and 1st grade, is a proven full year supplemental / intervention reading and spelling program that reduces retention and Special Education referrals, and helps students become eager, successful readers. It provides a strong foundation for all children, regardless of reading level, ability, and learning challenges.

Fletcher's Place

Jasper County Schools Video, South Carolina May 2010
See how it works

After 18 hours of tutoring at a community summer camp for at-risk struggling readers in grades 1 - 3 (from June to August 2010), students averaged nearly a year's progress (8/10 of a year) on the Woodcock-Johnson Assessment of Word Attack Skills. The volunteer tutors received 6 hours training in how to use Fletcher's Place with struggling readers.

Fletcher's Place

Unlike traditional curricula that rely on “drill and kill” techniques, Fletcher’s Place ™ captivates young readers through multi-sensory, physically active, interactive activities, including a broad variety of structured games, songs, teaching props, storybooks, and short video lessons.

Teachers and parents agree: Fletcher’s Place builds confidence in students’ ability to learn and increases their desire to read and write.

Our challenge to you: Give us your struggling preschool and early-elementary readers, the ones who are not making progress with any other program - and we guarantee they will make extraordinary gains.

Most struggling readers are right brain learners. The Reading Revolution (R) techniques provide a balance of left and right brain reading strategies that benefit all learners but are particularly effective for your struggling, at-risk students. See chart below.

Fletcher's Place

New Paradigm Reading is the exclusive distributor of Fletcher's Place.